Prize-winning poet Gilbert Luis R. Centina III plumbs the depths of human despair and celebrates the triumph of the human spirit through this bilingual poetry collection. He uses the mosaic of cultures he has experienced in the rainforests of Peru, the sweltering tropical heat of the Philippines, the frenetic pace of Spanish Harlem in New York, and the Old World milieu of Spain as a backdrop in painting a panoramic view of humanity's inner struggle with life itself. What emerges is an affirmation that, in the end, victory belongs to those who love and hope and remain steadfast in their faith in the goodness of humankind.
Praise for Plus Ultra
The new literary adventure of Gilbert Luis R. Centina III comes to us through a bilingual poetry collection that touches on the full range of human experience with Christian compassion and a good sense of humor. It examines with profound insight and sensibility the difficult interior struggle of daily life and radical Christian conversion, which reminds us of St. Augustine, the spiritual founder of the Order of St. Augustine. In sum, his latest book shows us these truths about life: with health, there is love, enabling us to work and to create wealth; the accurate measure of love is to love without measure; with faith, there is hope; and that with intelligence, there is joy. To my good friend Fr. Gilbert: With affection and Christian endearment. I wish you good health, a long life, and great success in your new adventure. May God help and bless you always. — Raad Salam Naaman, Spanish university professor of Iraqi origin, researcher, and author of books on three monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His latest work is Los primeros cristianos, los cristianos orientales
La nueva aventura literaria de Gilbert Luis R. Centina III nos llega en forma de un poemario bilingüe que expresa el rango total de experiencia humana con compasión y un buen sentido del humor. Examina con sensibilidad y profundidad la vivencia de la lucha interior de la fe cristiana y la llamada a la conversión radical que nos recuerda a San Agustín, el fundador espiritual de la Orden de San Agustín. En síntesis, su última obra os muestra estas realidades de la vida: con la Salud hay amor, poder trabajar y hacer riqueza. La medida del amor es amar sin medida. Con la Fe, hay esperanza. Con la Inteligencia, hay alegría. Para mi buen amigo P. Gilbert: Con todo el cariño y ternura cristiana. Mi deseo para ti siempre salud, una larga vida y un gran éxito en tu nueva aventura. Que Dios siempre te ayuda y te bendiga. — Raad Salam Naaman, profesor universitario español de origen iraquí, investigador y autor de libros sobre tres religiones monoteístas: judaísmo, cristianismo e islam. Su última obra es Los primeros cristianos, los cristianos orientales
The book is fascinating, with poems dedicated to different people, such as those ancient baroque praises. The cover, as well as the typographic details, is undoubtedly beautiful. Gilbert Luis R. Centina III continues working in a precious line of literary production, as he is one of the longest-running Filipino writers in Castellano still alive and whose work dates back more than half a century. Reading his memories, remembrances, and experiences undoubtedly would be a delight, a jewel to know the adventures of a Filipino throughout his country and the world. — Isaac Donoso, author and professor, University of Alicante, Spain
El libro parece muy interesante, con poemas dedicados a diferentes personas, como esas loas antiguas barrocas. La portada sin duda es preciosa, y los detalles tipográficos. Gilbert Luis R. Centina III sigue trabajando en una línea muy valiosa de producción literaria, siendo como es uno de los más antiguos escritores filipinos en castellano que sigue con vida, y cuya producción se remonta a hace más de medio siglo. Leer sus memorias, recuerdos y vivencias sin duda sería una verdadera delicia, una joya para conocer las experiencias de un filipino a lo largo de su país y el mundo. — Isaac Donoso, autor y profesor, Universidad de Alicante, España
I like it when you sing with sharpness, tenderness and delicacy in your poetry. — Rafael Lazcano, author of numerous books, including the multivolume Tesauro agustiniano
Me agrada cuando en tu poesia cantas con agudeza, ternura y delicadeza. — Rafael Lazcano, autor de varios libros, incluso Tesauro agustiniano