Dear family of Fr. Gilbert. I am Father Mariano, prior of the community of Leon.
Perhaps you have already learned of the sad news about the death of dear Father Gilbert, but just in case, I refer you to the information we spread among the Augustinians.
We are very sorry and share your pain. We have fought like no one else for his life and...[it's] inexplicable [to us how this all happened] since we have taken all the necessary precautions [against] COVID-19.
May God give him well-deserved rest and eternal rest.
A hug and my heartfelt condolences to the whole family.
Fr. Mariano Boyano Revilla, OSA
Prior, Our Mother of Good Counsel
León, Spain (see email)
Perhaps you have already learned of the sad news about the death of dear Father Gilbert, but just in case, I refer you to the information we spread among the Augustinians.
We are very sorry and share your pain. We have fought like no one else for his life and...[it's] inexplicable [to us how this all happened] since we have taken all the necessary precautions [against] COVID-19.
May God give him well-deserved rest and eternal rest.
A hug and my heartfelt condolences to the whole family.
Fr. Mariano Boyano Revilla, OSA
Prior, Our Mother of Good Counsel
León, Spain (see email)