Gilbert Luis R. Centina III concluded his masterpiece, Recovecos/Crevices, a mere fortnight before succumbing to complications arising from Covid-19 on May 1, 2020, in León, Spain. This magnum opus stands as his final testament, comprising a collection of three hundred and fifty poems presented bilingually in Spanish and English, thoughtfully arranged side by side in an easily digestible format.
Recovecos not only encapsulates Father Gilbert's tireless dedication to preserving the Spanish language in the Philippines as an integral component of Filipino national identity but also serves as a poignant reflection of humanity's anxieties, fears, and aspirations during the throes of the pandemic. As the poet penned his thoughts amidst the swirling threat of the lethal virus, alongside his brethren friars in León, his work acquired an indelible resonance. With heartfelt sincerity, he dedicated the book to those who emerged victorious against the pandemic, offering it as a tribute to those valiant souls who fought gallantly against the virus, unaware that he himself would be numbered among those claimed by Covid-19.
Recovecos is available in three distinct formats: softbound, hardcover, and linen, complete with a dust jacket cover.
Recovecos not only encapsulates Father Gilbert's tireless dedication to preserving the Spanish language in the Philippines as an integral component of Filipino national identity but also serves as a poignant reflection of humanity's anxieties, fears, and aspirations during the throes of the pandemic. As the poet penned his thoughts amidst the swirling threat of the lethal virus, alongside his brethren friars in León, his work acquired an indelible resonance. With heartfelt sincerity, he dedicated the book to those who emerged victorious against the pandemic, offering it as a tribute to those valiant souls who fought gallantly against the virus, unaware that he himself would be numbered among those claimed by Covid-19.
Recovecos is available in three distinct formats: softbound, hardcover, and linen, complete with a dust jacket cover.
Praise for Recovecos
In his rhythmic verse the script artist strikes a chord that reverberates throughout us, transforming the mechanistic words into vibrant song and our stasis into action. Today’s brain science has discovered what the psalmists, poets and ancient musicians could only know by intuition: that music, melody or verse stimulate us to movement and emotion. We become unstuck. Our losing streak ends. Whether in grief or joy, our prayers become that green and fruitful oasis. — Thomas R. Caffrey, award-winning poet and author of A Boy for All Seasons, but a Man?
In his latest book, Fr. Gilbert clearly shows us his last wishes, expressed poetically for each person he has met directly or indirectly. His poems will become part of the present and future generations, written with force, delicacy, and hope, with ethical and bioethical values, fusing real life with transcendence in a masterful way. Each verse bears his stamp...containing values he has captured from each person it addresses. – José María Alonso Alonso de Linaje, author of La soledad como oportunidad, winner of the Ramiro de Maeztu Prize as best book of year (2018)
Elogio para Recovecos
En su verso rítmico, el guionista toca un acorde que resuena en todos nosotros, y transforma las palabras mecánicas en una canción vibrante, y nuestra inmovilidad, en acción. A día de hoy, la ciencia del cerebro ha descubierto lo que los salmistas, poetas y músicos antiguos solo podían saber por intuición: que la música, la melodía o el verso nos estimulan al movimiento y a la emoción. Nos liberamos. Nuestra mala racha termina. Ya sea en el dolor o en la alegría, nuestras oraciones se convierten en un oasis verde y fructífero. — Thomas R. Caffrey, award-winning poet and author of A Boy for All Seasons, but a Man?
A través de la lectura de su último libro, el P. Gilbert nos muestra con mucha claridad sus últimos deseos, expresados de forma poética para cada persona que ha conocido directamente o indirectamente. Sus poemas pasarán a forma parte de las generaciones presentes y futuras. Poemas con fuerza, con delicadeza, con esperanza, con valores éticos y bioéticos; que unen la vida real con la trascendencia de forma magistral. Son versos que cada uno de ellos llevan el sello personal para ofrecerselo a las personas e instituciones que van desfilando por Recovecos. Reflejan y muestran a cada persona a la que van dirigidos, aquellos valores que él ha captado y que quiere expresarlos de forma poética. Podemos hablar de su testamento de vida que con mucha intuición supo captar el pasado, el presente y el futuro cercano que le tocó vivir. El libro contiene unos poemas que reflejan con nitidez su cariño hacia nosotros y su sabiduría para aunar lo humano con lo transcendente. – José María Alonso Alonso de Linaje, author of La soledad como oportunidad, winner of the Ramiro de Maeztu Prize as best book of year (2018)